I am so busy. I haven't even had any time to go golfing.
The second installment of my new column, Ice Cream for Bedwetters, is up here at Medium - a look at the work of Bernie Wrightson. The first one, a discussion of Logan, can be found here.
I keep updating the Patreon! So far my "weekly" podcast Tegan Reads Wookieepedia is coming out twice weekly - I pass the savings on to you. And remember, I wouldn't be uploading these podcasts anywhere else for two months - exclusive for Patreon subscribers. (They will eventually be uploaded elsewhere, which is one reason why I'm producing so many of them up front.) I also just ordered a new mic, so the dodgy sound quality on the early episodes is being remedied.
I believe there is still a free episode up here for sample.
Patreon subscribers also receive a political essay every week, which I creatively titled "Letters." I know, I know . . . Letter #4.5 is a very special piece that is also, conveniently, free to sample here. And here's a sample of the free sample:
I am tired often. I
sleep poorly. I sleep naked on the cast iron grating of my cell. In the summer
I burn and in the winter I freeze but I am fresh. Now I travel in my plane
across the globe. My cell is hoisted into the back of a customized jet. I
retreat for rest and ablution. Once I served Exxon Mobile and in that capacity
I enacted the will of the Lord. I fought the good fight for the United States
of America, as I still do. I am a shepherd of men and captain of industry, but
only because I emerge new into the blinking heat of the noonday sun each day,
scoured of human frailty and consumed by holy fire.
Let's see, what else have I been up to . . . oh yeah, don't forget to check out the most recent chapters of my book. The most recent chapter is a three part epic about - well, everything. Check out part one here, or skip to part three here (it's designed to be read separately).
Remember when I didn't do anything for months on end? Apparently not a problem anymore.
Oh, one more thing . . . what's this? Looks exciting! I wonder what it could be . . .
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