It's been busy and I've been lazy, but rather than just allow this blog to go gentle into that good night, it's time to shake things up. After consulting with
Mike Sterling, he got through - is getting through - some similar blog-related blahs recently by opening up the comments section for Qs for him to A. That seems like a good idea to get the "juices" "flowing" again. So pop into the comments and ask away. Just don't ask about the return of X old feature - it'll either come back or it won't, depending on the whims of Zephyrus, as with all things.
Based on the recommendation of Comic Books Are Burning in Hell, I picked up the two-part LOTDK story Masks out of a quarter bin. What are some other underappreciated LOTDK issues to buy this way? My annual con retailers have that series in droves. Alternatively, what are some other ridiculously cheap and easy to find comics issues that have been unjustly forgotten?
Have you read _Bandette_? What do you think?
I have a couple-few:
- What did you think of Rebirth (a little obvious I know), or more broadly the circumstances around the leak?
- Another kind of obvious one, but dovetailing on your recent blah, what do you think comics blogging will look like in the next little while? Is podcasting the new blogging? Would you ever podcast about comics?
- I would love to hear your thoughts, if any, on Green Lantern: Mosaic.
What are your thoughts on Ultraforce, Malibu Comics, and Marvel's attempts to integrate them into their universe? I think it stands as an interesting counterpoint to what DC tried with Wildstorm.
Movies based on comic books are old hat, but what about all the new comic-based TV shows? Do you watch any of them and, if so, have any thoughts on the recent offerings? Gotham, Walking Dead, iZombie, Lucifer, the (maybe too) new Preacher series, Powers (!?!), Marvel's acclaimed Agent Carter and Netflix projects and less acclaimed SHIELD series, and all of Greg Berlanti's CW shows?
I've got a nuts-and-bolts question. As a longtime fan of your blog, in order to help you get money, my normal bookmark link to Amazon.com, for many years, has been (and continues to be) a link that was suggested ages ago by The Hurting. But today, I notice that this link differs from the current top Amazon.com link in the sidebar of The Hurting. Am I right to think this means I should change my bookmark link, from that which you explicitly suggested ages ago, to what I see in the sidebar today?
Maggie Chascarrillo is the most fully-formed character ever to appear in American comics. Agree or disagree?
And agree or disagree, who are some other contenders?
Will you pretty please watch and review Punisher War Zone, Lexi Alexander's amazing and criminally underrated cinematic work of wonder?
1. Will any comic book from 2010 to 2016 still be talked about in 30 years?
2. Maybe a piece on European classics such as Asterix and Tintin?
3. To what degree (touched on in your Ceberus pieces) can the personal story of a creator be separated from an appreciation of their work (not just in comics - cf. Birth of a Nation, Triumph of the Will)
4. To what degree is the difficulties of DC / Marvel attributable to the exodus of key creative talent to creator-owned properties (eg. notwithstanding personal opinions of same Brubaker, Vaughn, Moore, Rucka, Millar)
Tim (TByrne75 on twitter)
Quasar and the Question: both replaced by women (twice in Quasar's case!) and how bad should I feel about liking the original version's better? I'd like to be "Yay, inclusion," but I miss the old ones. (There could be a hook in the new Quasar: if Wendell's mostly just a hologram ghost now, and couldn't use the bands...)
Anyway, since you're also a longtime comics fan, exactly when did comics fans become the fucking worst? I'm not even talking about the colossal sense of entitlement, when did they start harassing and threatening people? Is it just an internet thing, or were comics readers monsters from day one?
Now, get back to work, Secret Wars II isn't going to finish blogging itself.
Anything to say about Caniff / Terry & the Pirates? I remember that you included that on a top 10 list a while back, and it stuck in my head because I don't recall you having mentioned it before (or since, unless I missed it)
Anything to say about Caniff / Terry & the Pirates? I remember that you included that on a top 10 list a while back, and it stuck in my head because I don't recall you having mentioned it before (or since, unless I missed it)
Have you read The Boys, by Ennis/Robertson/McCrea/et al? I just got the entire series in a Humble Bundle and it's... something. If not, what are your thoughts on Garth Ennis's writing in general? Thanks!
- Mike Loughlin
I really enjoyed your posts about the Beyonder/Molecule Man/Secret Wars III history from a few months back, specifically the breakdown of the Steve Englehart FF issues (a very underrated run on the book, IMHO). In keeping with that theme, I'd love to see what your analysis of his "Celestial Madonna" storyline in the Avengers back in the mid-70's. It also connected a lot of diverse continuity points from the history of the (still relatively young but complicated) Marvel Universe at that time.
What're your thoughts on New Universe's later event books The Pitt, The Draft, and The War?
Have you ever read the Shadowline books that were published as a part of the Epic line? Any thoughts on those?
What's it like teaching undergrads in this day and age? I graduated college in the late '90s, so we barely had internet access. (Go Netscape!) I'm so curious how social media and the internet in general have impacted the classroom. Do you have to constantly tell students to turn their phones off? Are they turning in papers cribbed from message boards, online papers, and Wikipedia? Back in the day of Cliff's Notes, professors only had to worry about a few sources students could crib from. Now it seems like there's too much out there to stay on top of it all. Are you worried about your students finding your Twitter account, your AV articles, or this blog?
How many weeks, after issuing an "AMA" invitation, should a person be expected to begin providing answers?
I know you're were tweeting about Steven Universe at different points in the past, and maybe you still are and I'm just missing those tweets, but I'd be curious on your feelings about the show, with Peridot joining the regular cast, and just anything else about it you felt was worth discussing.
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