Friday, February 08, 2013

The Return of the Green Team? Really?

So they're bringing back the Green Team, eh? What a monumentally stupid idea. All you need to know about the Green Team is summed up on this page, from Ambush Bug #3 (August 1985) by Keith Giffen, Robert Loren Fleming, and Bob Oksner. I don't think "ether" was used as a verb until after 2001, but it's fairly appropriate here as well. (The Green Team also show up in 2008's Ambush Bug: Year None, but it's not as funny.)


  1. DanielT11:54 PM

    You should be thrilled DC is publishing politically-themed comics. It should provide plenty of fodder for your column/podcast.

  2. There is some truth to that, but I don't anticipate even the most well-intentioned exploration of political themes in these books to inspire any discourse above that of an anguished wail and the rending of garments.

  3. Randy Jackson2:36 PM

    Apparently, this is being done by the Balhazar/Franco team, responsible for Superman Family Adventures and the little Teen Titans comic, both of which were pretty fun. I'm guessing this will be an all-ages comic, and there's likely going to be a fair amount of wackiness.

  4. I don't know . . . the promo art and the way they're promoting it make it seem like it'll be grimmer & grittier than a bunch of dipshit kids sitting around and swimming in their money. I see shadowy clandestine organizations and Machiavellian powers struggles ahoy.

  5. Randy Jackson3:43 AM

    If it is, it is. Personally, while I think the execution is brutal, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Green Team, and I have my own ideas as to how things should go. If the kiddie version doesn't work, I have ideas for them as adults as well.
